Meet Our People

  • Careers - Eugenie Lafleur Profile Picture

    Eugenie Lafleur

    Warehouseperson, Cigar Lake Operation
    Saskatchewan, Canada

    "The people I work with today are my second family. It's an awesome job. It's the best decision I ever made."

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  • Careers - Fern Family Profile Picture

    The Fern Fraternity

    Marty (Cigar Lake), Victor Jr (Rabbit Lake), and Victor Fern Sr (Cigar Lake)

    "Cameco has been really good to us over the years and we've all had a chance to really develop and grow as people and support our own families, so it's been pretty special for all of us." - Marty Fern

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  • Careers - Sheldon Landry Profile Picture

    Sheldon Landry

    Jet-bore operator, Cigar Lake

    Cameco’s Cigar Lake operation is the only mine in the world that uses the jet boring system (JBS), designed specifically for our technically challenging, high-grade ore. Given the uniqueness of the technology, JBS operators are also unique mining careers.

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