Public Disclosure Protocol for Cameco Northern Saskatchewan Operations

Cameco has an ongoing program to keep community members in northern Saskatchewan informed of our activities. This program flows from a longstanding corporate communications policy.

This policy states that Cameco is committed to honest and ethical communication, both in principle and practice. Cameco advocates open, responsive, clear communication that supports and furthers the vision and strategy of the corporation and acknowledges our stakeholders’ need for timely and accurate information presented in a meaningful way. Cameco believes adhering to this policy will help Cameco foster stakeholder confidence and loyalty, ultimately enhancing support for Cameco’s operations.

Each of our uranium mining and milling operations has a public information program that outlines how we communicate to the site’s target audience within northern Saskatchewan. We also identify target audiences for mine projects in development and begin a program of consultation at the project’s early stages.

Providing timely information about aspects of our operations that each site’s target audience has said they are most interested in helps Cameco maintain supportive communities.

To keep target audiences in communities with an interest in Cameco operations informed, Cameco commits to:

  • Maintaining two-way communication channels to address the questions and concerns of people within our target audience in a timely and clear manner.
  • Providing information, through regular community engagement, regarding significant operational changes or expansions that require an environmental assessment or require amendments to our facility licences.
  • Providing timely information postings to our website about unusual operational events at our facilities that have off-site consequences or that would be of concern to our target audience.
  • Providing timely posting to our website information related to an environmental event that triggers a notification to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission under Section 29 of the General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations.
  • Posting to our website summaries of non-routine environmental incidents, such as discharges and discoveries/releases, as classified by the province of Saskatchewan.
  • Quarterly posting to our website summaries in graphical form of an operation’s discharge of contaminants of potential concern against licence limits for treated water released to the environment as part of normal operations.
  • Formally meeting through Cameco and government-sponsored committees and meetings with local communities or their elected representatives to provide information on our environmental performance and any significant operational changes at our sites.
  • Conducting tours of our operations for members of government-sponsored committees, local community representatives, and other interested parties to increase public knowledge and understanding of our operations.
  • Building capacity among residents of northern Saskatchewan to understand the environmental, health and safety aspects of uranium mining and milling and encouraging youth in communities to understand the opportunities for a safe, healthy and rewarding career.
  • Communicating technical aspects of uranium mining and milling in plain language, including talking to Indigenous elders in their native language.
  • Regularly reviewing with community leaders and others how and what we communicate to ensure relevant information is reaching each site’s target audience.
  • Posting this public disclosure protocol on our website.
